Friday, December 10, 2010

Dec. 10--Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder

If you want to get my son groovin' and movin', just put on music with a beat. A nice strong beat---and turn the music up FULL VOLUME (we are always monitoring our speakers for possible blow-out!) It really is a treat to watch him; he has his own idiosyncratic way of dancing. He either rocks wildly from side to side, or backward and forward (very reminiscent of the davening prayer practices of our Orthodox Jewish brethren [no disrespect intended whatsoever!)]) What amazes us is that he doesn't knock his head on anything while performing his wild tribal dances. He seems to have a very good spatial sense, and knows when he is close to tables, chairs and walls. We pump up the music every morning on school days to inspire him to be up and at'em. I'm sure the neighbors are wondering why our walls are bowing in and out! Sometimes I'll dance with him, although I have to perform a much more moderate version of his energetic dancing style---I would pull something for sure! He always delights in this. It's like he's thinking (All RIGHT! She's joining in MY world!)

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